S.A. Walls
Handmade Stirrups - Spurs - Bits

Tin Top Ranch Trailriding

23315 Beau Champ Road
Mena, AR 71953

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I've had some people call these Flat-bottom oxbows, but I really think that's a misnomer. My style is and has been bell-shaped. People have asked me if I make a visalia stirrup. Well, no. To me, a visalia is like a triangle, with sides straight up to the transom. I prefer a bell-shape, which I think allows you more room at the top of the stirrup for the toe of your boot when you exit the stirrup.

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2" Flat-Bottom Lite Stirrup

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Also available in Youth, Extra-Large, and Rawhide Covered.

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3" Flat-Bottom Lite Stirrup

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Also available in Extra-Large, and Rawhide Covered.

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4" Flat-Bottom Lite Stirrup

Only available in Extra Large

Also available in Rawhide Covered.

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4" Endurance Stirrup

Lightweight, hand-made endurance stirrup. Because these are hand-made, I can make these to fit you and your saddle. Call me.

Also available in Extra-Large.

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